[amazon_textlink asin=’1786574160|1852171499′ text=’Edinburgh Castle’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’fundooplace05-21|fundooplace-21′ marketplace=’IN|UK’ link_id=’4a897627-a95f-11e8-8e44-aff49cbc4813′] is a historic fortress which dominates the skyline of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, from its position on the Castle Rock. It is a world-famous icon of Scotland and a world heritage site in UK.
Some of the highlights of castle are:
The crown room and Royal palace, the home to the nation’s treasures including crown jewels including the stone of destiny and where Mary Queen of Scots gave birth to James VI.
Mons Meg, one of Europe’s largest siege guns that fired stones weighing 150g over 3.2 km, a must see for everyone.
The Scottish National War Memorial, a place to those who lost their lives in World War I onwards.
St Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest building by David I to commemorate his mother.
The Prisons of War, an atmospheric recreation of life of prisoners at the end of 18th century
The National War Museum of Scotland, the museum which perseveres some arms and artilleries used during conflicts with various tribes, countries etc.
The Great Hall, a spectacular medieval hall that holds a fabulous display of arms and armour.
The One o’ Clock Gun, the famous time signal has been fired almost daily since 1861 except on Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Panoramic views, Views across the capital, over the Firth of Forth and into Fife, can be enjoyed from the castle’s walls.
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